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I. Statement of Purpose
a. The Temple of the Four Elements is hereby established as a non-profit tradition of the Wicca religion, in the year 2003 on the 1st of May. As a tradition of Wicca, it is dedicated to live in a manner that honors the Goddess and the God, as well as nature and Her cycles.
b. The Temple of the Four Elements has been established for the following purpose;
i. To live in a manner that honors the Goddess and the God
ii. To follow the Wiccan Rede
iii. To support one another as spiritual family
iv. To celebrate the Sabbats, Esbats and other occasions
v. To teach the Wiccan ways and beliefs
vi. To grow within the coven as well as the community
vii. To promote spiritual growth
viii. To honor the Earth and all things seen and unseen
ix. To educate the public about the Wiccan way
II. Organization and Structure of the Coven
a. In accordance with the Bylaws of the Coven tradition, the Temple of the Four Elements shall be structured and organized as follows: The coven shall exist of the High Priest and/or High Priestess, Initiates and Dedicants. All potential Dedicants shall be over the age 18, be within driving distance and be free of illegal chemical drugs.
b. Degrees of Participation
i. Guests: Interested people who attend open events and meetings
ii. Aspirants: People who are interested in dedicating
iii. Dedicants: People who have filled out the Dedicant application, been accepted as a Dedicant and received a sponsor, but have not been Initiated
iv. First Degree Initiates: Initiates that are beginning their course of study of Wicca and Witchcraft
v. Second Degree Initiates: Initiates that are in training to become High Priest/ess status
vi. Third Degree Initiates: Initiates who have received High Priest/ess Status
III. Membership within the Coven
a. Membership within the coven may be terminated at the High Priest/ess’s discretion at any time, and without warning due to any of the following reasons: endangering the coven and/or it’s members, outrageous behavior, alcohol and illegal drug intoxication during ritual, illegal chemical drug use at any coven event, putting the coven in a poor light within the community, or untreated mental illness.
b. The Council of Initiates shall consist of all Initiated members of the Temple of the Four Elements
c. The Council of Initiates shall discuss most matters of program planning and activities, finances and budgeting, networking and outreach and all other basic coven matters
d. Initiates are expected to follow the Wiccan Rede, abstain from baneful magick and act in accordance to the principles of the religion of Wicca
e. The High Priestess shall be the main facilitator of the coven, in her absence, the Maiden shall assume the position of the High Priestess. If the Maiden is absent, then the High Priest will facilitate, if he is unable, then the Summoner will facilitate.
IV. Offices within the Coven; the Officers Council
The officers council consists of the Coven officers and is established to work on policies and discuss administration issues
a. High Priestess
i. Responsibilities
1. Chairs the Council of Initiates
2. Responsible for spiritual counseling and growth of the Coven
3. Establishes policies for the Temple of the Four Elements
a. Policies may not circumvent nor contradict the Bylaws of the Temple of the Four Elements
b. When a Sister Covens policy is found to conflict with the Bylaws of the Temple of the Four Elements, the Bylaws of the Original Coven shall take precedence
4. Coordinates training
5. Assists Gatekeeper with screening potential Dedicants
6. Leads rituals or designates the leader
7. Keeps Coven Book of Shadows
8. Appoints officers
9. Collects donations
ii. The High Priestess shall be assisted by the Maiden, or the Council of Initiates
iii. If the office of High Priestess is rendered vacant by death, retirement, or other reason, the Maiden will step into the office with the approval of the Council of Initiates. If the Council of Initiates disagree, a new High Priestess of at least second degree will be voted into office or the coven will be dissolved. If there is no Initiate of the second degree, an acting High Priestess will be voted into office, and the Council of Initiates will actively seek a new High Priestess.
b. Maiden
i. Responsibilities
1. Assists the High Priestess with rituals and other tasks
2. Assists in teaching
3. Provides spiritual counseling
4. Assists in the administration of the Coven
5. Serves as an example to the rest of the Coven in her participation, ethics and spiritual principles
6. To be a resource to the coven, especially in her knowledge of lore
7. To aid in setting up and taking down of the ritual area
8. To act as High Priestess when High Priestess is absent
c. Scribe
i. Responsibilities
1. Keeps minutes at meetings
2. Handles correspondence
3. Keeps general records of projects and activities
4. Keeps written record of Coven history
d. Watcher
i. Responsibilities
1. To secure the safety of the Coven
2. To know and/or have access to the laws in the area, and is the law enforcement liason
e. Gatekeeper
i. Responsibilities
1. To aid the High Priestess in screening Dedicants
2. To aid in planning festivals and other events
V. Attendance and Meetings
a. Each member of the Council of Initiates is expected to participate in 75% of meetings, events and activities, including training and studies.
VI. New Membership
a. To become a Dedicant of the Temple of the Four Elements, one must go through the dedicant process outlined below:
i. Prospective Dedicant will fill out application
ii. Prospective Dedicant will attend an interview with the High Priestess and/or Officer(s), where a set of questions will be asked, if all Initiated attendees of that meeting agree, she will be accepted as a Dedicant
iii. The Dedicant will be paired up with an Initiated member of the coven (hereafter known as Sponsor) to answer questions about the coven, and aid in answering any Craft related questions
iv. The Dedicant will then be invited to join the yahoogroup
v. The Dedicant will come to at least one meeting to meet everyone
vi. The Dedicant may come to open meetings and semi-open esbats until she feels ready. This amount of time is not to be less than one month nor exceed six months.
vii. Once Dedicant feels ready to become Initiated into the Temple of the Four Elements, the Council of Initiates will take a vote, and Initiate at the next esbat
b. Sponsorship
i. Sponsor will volunteer to take this temporary office within the coven, and will be self-directed.
ii. Sponsor may request regular chats or meetings with their Dedicant
iii. Sponsor will take a few minutes before her Dedicant is voted upon, to share some insight and knowledge with the coven regarding her Dedicant.
VII. Grievances
a. If an Initiate or Dedicant has a grievance with another Initiate or Dedicant that interferes in the participation of ritual or other coven activities, it may be resolved in the following manner:
i. The Initiate or Dedicant should first schedule a meeting with the person(s) with whom she has a grievance, to attempt to resolve the issue. This meeting should take place on neutral ground. Participants may request the presence of the High Priestess or other Officer to act as witness.
ii. Neither party will talk, state, write, e-mail, or post publicly any view, opinion, hearsay about the grievance.
iii. If the grievance can not be solved by the aforementioned method, than the person(s) with the grievance should schedule a meeting with the High Priestess or the Council of Initiates to attempt to find a resolution
iv. No records of these meetings shall be kept, save to record that the meeting took place, the names of those who attended, and any decisions rendered.
VIII. Disciplinary Actions
a. If an Initiate or Dedicant breaks any of the bylaws or is found to cast Wicca, Paganism or Witchcraft in a poor light, she may be subjected to the following disciplinary actions
i. High Priestess may schedule a meeting(s) with the Initiate or Dedicant to resolve grievances or issues
ii. Initiate or Dedicant may be asked not to attend rituals until grievance is resolved
iii. Initiate or Dedicant may be asked not to attend any coven activities until grievance is resolved
iv. Initiate or Dedicant may be asked to leave the coven
b. Disciplinary actions taken by the Temple of the Four Elements will not include the removal of an Initiates degree. Initiation is a state, which, once conferred, may not be rescinded.
c. Any Initiate or Dedicant who has been asked to leave the Temple of the Four Elements, or banished from the Temple of the Four Elements may not claim membership in the Temple of the Four Elements.
We the undersigned, people of the Temple of the Four Elements, do hereby state that these are our bylaws. So we do state and so shall it be!